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Through one-to-one coaching, facilitating, team building and interim management I help empower leaders to be confident, teams to thrive and charity’s to create impact.

I have built my career in fundraising, and led teams in the not-for-profit sector for over 30 years.

As a One of Many™ women’s certified leadership coach and trainer, I bring these together with my years of experience in fundraising working across individual giving acquisition and donor development, community fundraising, digital, legacy and in-memoriam, with my leadership experience sharing tools and techniques that help you and your team face challenges with confidence.

Through interim management, 1 to 1 coaching, facilitation, as Four Seasons Model™ practitioner and mentor with The Elischer Foundation I bring awareness to what drives you and help you to be able to regulate your time, attention and emotions guiding you to feel energised not exhausted.

Helping you do your best work while feeling your best.

“Sarah is a supportive and empowering leader. She takes the time to mentor and help everyone working under her, and really helped me grow in my role. She always listens to feedback and tries to improve team culture, morale and collaborative working based this. She is a kind and positive person, with a strong work ethic and she is always ready with a sympathetic ear if you have a problem” –  Rachel, MHF

I believe we can see leadership as a mind-set, a way of thinking, behaving, and acting, so in reality it’s not always about the job-title; you don’t always need a team or a project to lead, you can lead with your ideas, insights, and inspiration to create change and open minds to new ways of thinking.

As a leader myself in the non-profit sector for the last 20 years, I have seen how people who choose this path are incredibly dedicated, working hard towards a cause they believe in, but this can come at a high cost when hard work slips in to overwhelm, stress and frustration, impacting on an individual’s self-confidence and performance. 

I just want to invite you to reflect on the difference it could make to you and your teams’ performance, happiness and resilience if you role-modelled protecting time in your diary to focus on your own wellbeing. Imagine what could be possible.

Sarah is focused on making a difference, setting clear objectives aligned with the business plan, and advocating for anti-racism and inclusivity. She brings optimism, joy, and a warm personality to her interactions, fostering strong relationships and celebrating wins. Sarah communicates transparently, adapts her style, and creates a safe space for discussions.’

Feedback while Interim Head of Public Fundraising, the Refugee Council