A 12-week programme for leaders who want to have the confidence and courage to lead the change they want to see and step up to the next level sustainably not stressfully.
‘If you want to go fast go alone.
If you want to go far go together’
– African Proverb
Are you..
- Struggling with self-doubt and stuck in a cycle of over thinking that is wearing you down?
- Working all the hours but don’t feel like at end of the week you are achieving anything?
- Afraid to take the next step for fear of overwhelm or lack confidence in your own abilities?
- Fed up with missing out on life, but feel guilty when you do something fun just for you?
- Being pulled in so many different directions, but you are not sure where to start?
- Feeling like nothing you have tried before works and you have reached a dead-end?
If you have answered yes, the time has come to invest in yourself through my Confident Leadership Programme

Hi, I am Sarah Tite and a believer that every problem has its solution.
Over the last 30 years I have built my career in the non-profit sector starting as a volunteer at Oxfam Head Office, moving to London for my first role as Fundraising Assistant at Coram. From here I worked for charities such as WaterAid, Marie Curie Cancer Care and as Director of Fundraising and Communications at Mental Health Foundation. I am now continuing my journey as an interim leader, most recently spending 12 months as Head of Public Fundraising at the Refugee Council to support during maternity leave.
I have been leading and supporting teams for over 20 years (alongside being a mum), so it’s likely I have encountered the same challenges you may be facing personally or with your team.
I am a qualified leadership coach and trainer empowering leaders to be confident and courageous. I work with my own coach and have experienced burnout that led to being signed off work.
I don’t know everything, that would be impossible! What I do know is I am good at listening, asking the right questions and helping leaders, just like you, to find the answers to being your most confident self!
‘Confidence is the feeling or belief that one can have faith in
or rely on someone or something – like having full trust in oneself’
Through the 12 week Confident Leadership Programme you will..
- Increase your resourcefulness and resilience;
- Confidently make decisions and take risks that create real, lasting change;
- Learn to put yourself first, knowing that self-care is the least selfish thing you can do;
- Create a roadmap with tools and techniques to manage your day-to-day stressors with ease;
- Be supported and no longer alone in a dedicated space where you can explore your challenges in a safe and supported way;
- Be guided through the Mind-Body-Soul elements of confident leadership to step powerfully into your true self.
Leaders like you, are the driving force behind organisations, like the one you work for. You set the vision, champion the strategy, inspire people and manage the organisation through its challenges. With confident leadership you can seize opportunities and rally your teams to work hard to create the change you want to see in this world.
Together we will establish your priorities, identify what is limiting you. Together we will put systems in place to help you focus and act from our first session together.
“Friends, family and colleagues may have thought I was coping remarkably well when I started a new job but it was only because Sarah gave me the space to reflect each week”
– Rosa
“Sarah is a super friendly coach who will support you through a totally different way of facing challenges with a variety of tools and techniques”
– Sharon
“With Sarah’s help I was able to move forward in the goals I had for myself and get past some blocks I had been carrying around for a long time”
– Mel
What does your investment give you?
- Deep insight and tools to access the three elements of confident leadership: Mind-Body-Soul;
- Free kick off call to get focused on what your greatest challenge is to confident leadership;
- Six one-to-one coaching sessions each running for sixty minutes on Teams;
- Tailored coaching programme that you are leading; where we will agree goals, review progress, and have space to explore challenges as they come up at each session;
- Printable workbook with journal so you can record our time together, detailing your own personal journey and achievements, helping you get focused and act on what you have uncovered;
- Email support between coaching sessions;
Want to talk to me first?
Yes, I need confident leadership…
Confident Leadership Programme£1,200.00
Do you have something you would like to ask? Head over to my Frequently Asked Questions page – and if the answer is not there, please do email me at [email protected]
‘With confidence, you have won before you have started’
– Marcus Garvey
A little bit more about me…
When my two children were tiny, I worked in a zoo, well for the charity that owned the zoo; home to some of the rarest and most majestic animals on our planet. That sounds amazing, I hear you say, well it was, in part but I was also driving over 100 miles a day, five days a week and at times it felt like the charity I worked for, was in competition with the zoo which led to staff being competitive not collaborative – fighting over each £. It was exhausting.
I was exhausted juggling life, work, home, relationships. I felt guilt for not being fully present at home. I felt guilt for not being able to solve all the problems I was faced with at work. I felt not good enough on any front.
Then one day I was driving home, nearly there and then it happened – I stopped at the lights (the last before reaching home) but the car behind me did not stop, it hit my bumper, not hard but hard enough. I burst into tears, not a whimper but full blown, tissue soaking, wailing and body shaking head to toe response.
The drivers around me jumped out of their cars; ‘are you ok’ ‘are you hurt’ and ‘I am so sorry’-someone started taking details of this driver. I did gather myself and drive on to pick-up the children but I was left feeling like I had cracked right open. My body was sending me a clear message, one that I couldn’t ignore any longer.

After this incident I knew something had to change, this was not the life I wanted to live, these were not the feelings I wanted to feel. I started by focusing on what I needed. I asked to work from home one day a week (before hybrid working was even a thing!) so that I was able to slow life down a little and be able to have the time to unravel the chatter in my head – I got outside during the day.
I started to explore different ways of managing by time and energy more effectively – I changed how I showed up at work and at home. I found a new approach with confidence, one that as a leadership coach I share with clients. Helping them to slow down, so that they can hear the messages of their mind, body and soul.
I help leaders have the confidence to create the life that they want sustainably not stressfully.
Confident Leadership Programme£1,200.00