There is a quality that sets people apart. It’s hard to define but easy to recognise. With it, you can take on the world. Without it, you live stuck at the starting block of your potential.
What is it?
Its Confidence.
And I believe we have a choice.
A choice to take back our power, to not give it away, to stop people pleasing and striving for perfectionism which holds us back from making decisions, particularly those that need making fast! In words of Brené Brown;
‘Perfectionism is self-destructive. Because there is no such thing as perfect.
Perfection is an unattainable goal.‘
We can choose instead to embrace risk taking and the lessons of failure that are at the heart of creating psychologically safe workplaces. As leaders we can either create or crush this safety that helps people feel included, safe to learn and contribute, as well as safe to challenge the status quo, all without fear of feeling embarrassed, marginalised, or punished in some way.
To create this safe space for people to thrive we need emotional intelligence that comes from having confidence to be open to who we are and how our behaviour impacts others. And at an individual level we need the personal fulfilment and happiness that confidence brings.
I acknowledge that this subject of confidence can feel uncomfortable, as it may feel like revealing a weakness but being vulnerable and open to our own strengths and weaknesses is where we find our authentic, open and inclusive leadership, style of leadership that creates an environment where you, your team, and ultimately your organisation can deliver impact and thrive!
From Chaos to Confidence
To help you take a step towards your potential I have produced a 30-minute video workshop ‘From Chaos to Confidence’, supported by a downloadable workbook to guide you and to keep inspiring you off the starting block.
In this video you will understand more about why confidence is important for you, and your organisation, explore and reflect on your own confident self, learn about the three cornerstones to building and maintaining confidence, and get practical tools to help calm the chaos to find your confidence self every day.
Invest in your confident self for just £48. Click here and add to your cart.
Don’t take my word for why you should invest in yourself today, listen to what Charlotte, Fundraising Manager had to say after she took the time to work through the video workshop.
What sparked you to invest in the video?
I’d reached a point in my life where I was thinking about what my next step should be. After over 15 years in the charity sector as a fundraiser, and 7 in my current job, I was keen to explore what role I could play. What sort of a leader am I? What is the impact that I really want to make?
This need, to explore my impact extends also to my home life, including my friendships, relationships and hobbies, including volunteering and creative writing. Sometimes I felt like I’d worked so hard at something, or got excited by a new opportunity but then it hadn’t progressed the way I imagined.
‘I wanted to be able to feel inspired and excited again, to know that whatever life threw at me I could be the very best ‘me’.
One of the key things in the way of ‘being the best me’ is my confidence. I was attracted by the title as despite my experience and skills, however often people say I’ve done something well, I can still feel like an imposter or worry that I’m not doing things well. I take criticism to heart, and it can often lead me to withdraw.
As well as lack of confidence, and this might be related, I was finding myself to be increasingly tired. Too many days were going by where I sleep, wake, eat, work, drive home and fall asleep again before waking for dinner then bed. It felt incredibly frustrating, and I want to rediscover my energy, inspiration and creativity.
What did you think of the style and content?
The style and presentation, from the images and simple, memorable slides, to the pauses for notetaking and the music, are all great for helping create a reflective space for learning. Sarah comes across as the embodiment of confidence – as well as calm and compassionate – which is why she’s such a great role model for delivering the course.
It was a surprise to find at the beginning of the video this wasn’t always the case, so it’s great to know change is possible and we can become calm and confident.
The focus on body, mind and soul, the three corners of confidence, are ones that we too often neglect. In particular I was really inspired to think about what my ‘vision’ is. What is the impact I want to make? How does focusing on this help me to navigate barriers, make decisions and so on?
In addition to the overarching themes, there is time set aside to complete the workbook, giving me a route map and tools that I now refer back to when life becomes busy and chaotic again.
The time is also just enough for an introduction. It’s a great incentive for those of us who feel guilty ‘investing’ in ourselves!
Half an hour doesn’t seem too long to take out of the day – even for the busiest people – and when it has positive results it encourages us to seek more of the same. Click here to invest 30-minutes in you.
What was your most inspiring take away?
It’s hard to choose one! As someone with a very busy life at home and work, the tool that helps with prioritising your to do list, in a new way, was brilliant. It came at a point when I was really overwhelmed trying to decide where to start with the seemingly hundreds of things on my to do list that were all apparently urgent and important.
I now use this planning tool daily to manage my activities.
I also loved the focus on how self-care is not selfish but self-preservation. Too often in the charity sector we’re people pleasers, leading us to burn out or forget our own needs. This doesn’t serve us, our teams or our organisation. I’ve really had to learn that half an hour of something that brings me joy each day, a pause for breath between tasks, or time for reflection is not selfish, it is in fact essential! What a relief!
If like Charlotte you are ready to invest in your confidence, to spend just 30-minutes focusing on yourself (for a change), to seek positive results towards reaching your potential, add ‘From Chaos to Confidence’ to your cart.
Why invest in yourself by working with me?
I have built my fundraising career in the charity sector over 30 years, the last 20 as a senior leader for charities such as WaterAid, Marie Curie Cancer Care and most recently as the Director, Fundraising and Communication at Mental Health Foundation. Alongside being a leadership coach and trainer specialising in one-to-one coaching, action focused live workshops and pre-recorded videos sessions just like ‘From Chaos to Confidence’
If you are struggling with self-doubt and stuck in a cycle of over thinking that is wearing you down? Working all the hours but don’t feel like at end of the week you are achieving anything? Being pulled in so many different directions, but you are not sure where to start?
Find out more at including my 30-minute online workshop video ‘From Chaos to Confidence’ to help you take your first step to getting back to you again.