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Ali McNab

    Location: Dorset

    – Career Development Coaching
    – Executive Coaching
    – Leadership Development
    – Change Management
    – Life Coaching

    About Ali:

    I work with people who want to make a positive change in their work and lives. Supporting them to shift to a more fulfilling, purposeful and successful life or career.

    With a professional background in the charity and NGO sector, I also support charitable organisations in the growth, empowerment and mental wellbeing of their people.

    ​We will work collaboratively in an open and reflective way, to understand what holds you back and what needs to happen for you to move forward.

    Acknowledging you are unique, I tailor the support to your specific needs; drawing on tools and techniques relevant to you, your personal situation and your own style of learning.

    You will develop a greater understanding of, and compassion towards, yourself; clarifying what is truly important to you; what inspires and motivates you. Giving you the confidence to move forward with self-belief and intention.