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Anna Knight

    Anna is a coach, trauma survivor and an activist. She supports change makers to move beyond their past experiences, breaking cycles of self-doubt and criticism to change the world with ease, authenticity and joy.

    Location: Newcastle-upon-Tyne

    – 1:1 Coaching
    – Group Coaching
    – Training
    – Team Facilitation

    About Anna:

    Like many changemakers out there, I did not grow up wanting to change the world. I wanted to be a vet, a dancer, a writer; to help people and mostly, to have a lovely house full of books and cats. Then, life happened to me.

    I am a survivor of domestic violence, a disabled woman, and a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. As a result of my intersecting identities, I have experienced various forms of trauma, which all left their mark on me. As part of my personal recovery, I discovered a drive towards leaving a legacy; to make things better for the generations to come, ensuring that no one else would have to experience the same things that I did.

    I initially trained as a coach to support other survivors of domestic violence – work that I remain passionate about – but quickly noticed that many survivors of trauma or challenging experiences experience a similar call towards change making. David Kessler describes the sixth stage of grief as finding meaning: turning loss into something “more”. I believe that this can be applied to our personal experiences as well. When we learn to process past experiences with more love than pain, we can move forward in a way that honours our past selves and truly can shake the foundations of the status quo.

    My work is centred in the concept of ‘the audacious and’. So often, we see ourselves as a series of positives and negatives, leading to a complex calculation of our value and therefore what we can achieve. If we swap this approach for one that sees us as a series of ever expanding ‘ands’, we begin to see ourselves as limitless and then what we once saw as weaknesses and flaws become potential avenues for social revolution.

    My approach is rooted in compassion and trauma-aware practice, allowing us to step free from the rules we have placed on ourselves through our past experiences. When we break these old, self-critical cycles, then the visions we have for the world can come to life with ease, authenticity, and maybe even a whole load of joy along the way.